5 ways sleep deprivation affects our health

 "5 ways sleep deprivation may affect our health"

#1 Brain Development and Memory 

    Sleep deprivation has drastic effects on a teenager's developing brain as his/her brain remains in 40% slow wave sleep, where the brain carries out the functions of development and healings while that of an adult remains 4%. Henceforth, lack of sleep can effect both the short and long- term memory. It further diminishes the mental ability of a 15 year old to that of a 13 year old which further leads to an impoverished performance in academics. 

#2 Thinking and concentration 

    As discussed earlier, sleep deprivation leads to poor performances in everyday situations as well as academics, however it also leads to a decrease in one's concentration, creativity and problem- solving skills. It may also lead to an increase in drowsiness which in turn may lead to accidents. 

#3 Mood swings

   Sleep deprivation makes you moody, dramatic, destructive or emotional, which in turn may lead to an elevated anxiety and depression. 

#4 Weakened Immunity 

   Our body produces pathogen fighting antibodies and cytokines to combat pathogens such as viruses or bacteria, shielding our body from illnesses such as cold or flu. Furthermore, some cytokines also provide efficient sleep providing further efficiency for our defense system to develop. However, sleep deprivation prevents such bodily actions from taking place and also deteriorates our body's ability to fight off diseases. 

#5 Heart diseases 

    Sleep deprivation may lead to an elevated blood pressure and a higher proportion of chemicals released, which increase inflammation, both of which increase the risk of heart diseases. 
Long- term effects may also include diabetes. 

                                                                                                        ~N.L Ain 


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